Trial of Trimill DRS Baffles
at Three Hills & District Seed Cleaning Plant Ltd.
On January 8, 2024 twenty one Trimill DRS baffles were installed in two 6"
spouts handling wheat,
at Three Hills & District Seed Cleaning Plant Ltd. in Three Hills,
Alberta. The installation took only two hours, including removal and
reinstallation of spouts.
Between January and July (approximately 5 months), around one
million bushels of mainly wheat was handled by these two spouts, out of
which spout #1 handled 0.4 million bushels and spout #2 handled 0.6 million
Immediately after installing the baffles, it was observed that the amount of
dust created in the spouts was significantly reduced.
On July 9, 2024, the spouts were taken apart and Trimill’s
technician performed thickness measurements on the baffle plates and spout
walls to check for the wear rate.
The measured wear was converted into the throughput at which
100% of the thickness of the spout wall or baffle plate is expected to wear
out in places with heaviest wear. The numbers obtained are 15.5 million
bushels for spout #1 and 13.5 million bushels for spout #2.
Dust (with some embedded grain) accumulation was observed in
the inclined portions of the spouts. It appears that most of the dust
accumulation wasn’t due to the baffles, however, more work should be done in
order to confirm this.